Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chapter One: Faded Memories

 Stay away from the clans! Forever! The words still echoed in my ears, and I growled to myself. I remembered that night, when my mother was attacked. She died from her wounds to next day, and me and my brother and sister both had to fend for ourselves. After a while we split up, I was on my own. I did see them both every once and a while. Our hatred for one certain group of cats still shone in our eyes. I wanted Revenge. But there was a pang of grief in my heart, for my lost mother. I tried to remember her name. Being a rouge, we don't use names that often. But I think her name was Robin. Yeah, that's it. My brother was Stone, and he was all gray with amber eyes. He reminded me of our father, the way Robin used to describe him. Me and my sister were both black cats, just like our mother. She had father's amber eyes, and I had Mother's Icy blue. In fact, her name was Amber. And it was my name I remembered the least, though it was buried in my mind somewhere.
   Let see, let see. It was close to Hazel..... oh yeah! That's right, it was Haze. I'm Haze. I realized that I was standing there next to a stream, and seeing my reflection, my face was blank with concentration. I rolled my eyes, splashing through it, my head still filled with faded memories.
   Suddenly I pricked my ears. It was time to hunt. I crouched down, taking in all the scents and sounds of the forest. A leaf fluttering in the breeze, squirrels flitting through the trees, chittering to one another, and fain t russeling. I pinpointed that sound, drawing my self closer, and saw a flash of brown fur. I flattened my ears, and disguised my shape, then pounced. Fixed squarley in my paws, the mouse went limp when I sunk my teeth into it. It tasted good, not as sqrawny as the recent leaf-bare that had just decsended into the warmth of new-leaf. I growled in satisfaction, and after finishing off the mouse I went on in the direction I was traveling.  
          Looking out for danger. The danger, you ask? We are at their border right now. The border of the enemy's territory. The border that seperates us loners and rouges, from those savage group of cats that call themselves a clan. I found some information from other lone cats, and they said many things. Some said that they were weak and soft cats, all used to be kittypets. I snorted at that. Kittypets? Yeah, right, I saw them up close. And there were manys stories that described them to be as big as tigers, or that they hunt foxes for fresh-kill. But they were all lies. I'm big enough now to take at least one of them on, and I know it. But I know I can't fight them. Not yet. I will avenge my mother's death, but I needed to be stronger. I'm gonna run into a pit of adders, headfirst and try to come back unbitten.
                                        ~  ♣  ~
    I sat at the border, gazing at the clan's territory. I bit back a growl rising from my throat, turning away and ran. Being around there made me reckless. It gave me the scars that criss-crossed across me pelt. It was from them. Each time I had to run, my pelt stained with blood. I knew that I needed to get bigger and stronger. But I'm going to devise a plan. A big one. Those ruffians won't call me a little kit anymore. I know they won't. Someday.
     The bushes on the other side trembled, and three cats came out. They stalked to the border line, the two bigger cats exchanging amused glances. I felt the fur along my spine rise. The lead cat chuckled.
    "Well look who it is, the little kit warrior." he sneered. The other cat gazed at him with amber eyes. "He looks apprentice-sized." she commented. The first cat rolled his eyes. "As if." he retorted.
    "I'm not a kit!" I spat. "And I haven't crossed the border!" I added. "Why don't you just leave me alone?!?" I growled. The lead warrior walked, practically standing on the border, towering over me. And I looked up at him, a challenge in my icy blue eyes.
  He raised him paw and landed a blow right to my chest, making me roll backwards. I got back up, my teeth bared in a snarl. "But you almost crossed the border." the cat growled. And if you did, you'd be crowfood right now. He gazed at the third cat, smaller than the other two, but a little older than me. She was black and white with green eyes, and she gazed at me with uncertainty. Her tail flicked, as if to warn me of something.
   Go she mouthed, but I didn't. "Why don't we teach this kit-warrior a lesson, again." he jeered and motioned forward the black and white she-cat. "Briarpaw, do the honors." he said.  Briarpaw. That was an apprentice name, I have heard that they ended in 'paw'.
 She gazed at me with a reluctant look, and then leaped onto my back. And I yowled.

(That's it! If there are 3 comments at least, I will make chapter two! Stay tuned!)