Sunday, November 14, 2010

Anonymous War

i seriously don't know what it's about, just felt like rhyming. 
dedicated to whoever's felt this way b4!~~

if you stop to listen,
you'll here the beating.
it's my hearts rhythm
always competing
with my soul and mind,
don't know which one
will lead me to find
the inner song i've sung
too many times
but no matter how much I sing it
it won't break these binds
and my heart just says bring it
on, my mind just looks away
my heart charges to the anonymous war
my preference starting to sway
and deep in my core
way deep down there in my gut
it wrenches one way, it's sore.
the choice I made, it sucks.
and i drop to the floor
sanity loses it's hold
i can't tell laughing from crying
people look at me cold
that battle left my insides dying.
that anonymous war
that no one but us knows about
i feel ignored.
next i know from your life i'm out
don't get the same treatment as them
they get it better than me
and then,
your messages i can't see
do you remember me at all?
i'm wondering what you've been saying
from the little snippets i saw
you've kept to yourself the hating
it's only me, just me 
yeah, wasn't i a 'bad friend'?
what i said was the last straw, the key
but seriously, what'd you expect?
i'm a bad person
i've said it
millions of times, mixed with cursing
and you've read it. 
all those IM's
i don't regret nothing
those mother fucking IM's.
facebook really is something
it makes stalking hard
i try my best
but it's almost like i'm a retard
the stuff can only be seen by your friends. 
not me not me
i must've been bad
you've forgiven her and not me
and you ignore me, how sad
your ashamed of me aren't you?
i see it in every word 
don't forget i hate you too 
i've looked on other sites, i've heard.