Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Same-sex marriage.

As it was stated in Treble Clef, I think the same. That same sex marriage is not wrong. On a blog called With Love and Kisses  , the owner "♥BLEAH♥BRIANN♥" said on a post that it was wrong and that marriage was meant to be for one man and one woman. And It spread to other blogs, too. But I read some comments on a few blogs, and one of the things I learned is that it is not according to the bible, because there are sections that prove otherwise. And Also from a good friend, who made a really interesting point, said "if it's so wrong to God, why would He make people like that? And God loves EVERYONE, no matter what their sins and who they are. " 
I completly agree. And some of us might not be straight ourselves. What's so wrong with that? Doesn't she know that she's hurting other people? I've learned this : "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
